
“He Said The Magic Words,
Just Let It All Go, Baby.”
Just Let It All Go, Baby.”
“The first time I ejaculated, I was SO turned on and my partner and I had been having sex for a couple hours. There was lots of fingering and oral and I felt this sweet pressure just building and building…and I reached a point where I felt like I had to totally explode. I felt like I was holding back because I was scared of letting go into the feeling. My partner sensed that I was on the verge of exploding or coming and he said the magic words – ”Just let it all go baby.”
“And my body responded because it gave me the permission I needed and …WOW! I let out this huge squeel and then roar and out came this huge gush of liquid all over the place. Just the thought of how exhilerating this was for me and my partner sends shivers up my spine. I just laughed and laughed and felt high as a kite. It was a first time experience for both of us and now the floodgates are open and I feel a new kind of sexual power I never have felt before.”~ CN, Washington----------------

“I Think Guys Like Myself
REALLY Appreciate Guidance”
REALLY Appreciate Guidance”
“My ex-girlfriend would actually say or scream, ‘I’m coming!’ and that was extremely helpful to know when she was having an orgasm. She would sometimes order me to touch her this way or that. I loved how direct she was and it made it easier to feel more confident about my lovemaking techniques and feel exhilarated when she would come and in turn, I’m sure she was happy that I was following direction well! After that relationship ended, I started seeing a woman who was almost the opposite. I had NO idea when she was coming–if she was coming, and only a vague idea if she was actually enjoying herself. I realized how spoiled I was in my prior relationship and it felt like I went from being a top notch lover to being very second rate. I think guys like myself REALLY appreciate guidance. Women are very complex and as much as I’d like to think I could get it right every time, I appreciate direction from a woman who really knows how she likes it.”~ T.B., Maryland-----------

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