Everything can be done.
I see a little kid next to you.
Whether a child can keep up, if he does not invest in it, can.
But if you watch, nurture, educate and learn, not only with money, but also with your time and knowledge, the child will progress more quickly and be happier.
It's so here.
Ask the sponsor, see what others say about it:

All the Best !
Zoran V.
My friend, I recommend to you those links
About team leader you can read this:
7 reasons why being a Team Leader rocks
Team Leader (TL)
Become an EA
About team leader you can read this:
7 reasons why being a Team Leader rocks
Team Leader (TL)
Become an EA
You were referring to the Bronze Team Leader status? It's possible for you! You just started in June but don't let that hold you back. In the SFIMG system ANYTHING is possible! The journey starts with doing the basics EVERYDAY and then complete the Launch pad lessons if you haven't already done so. You have 3 options ... creating a business by yourself, being a part of one OR become an investor. Remember, the sky is the limit!
United States
You have everything you need to start with SFI FOR FREE:
Products to sell, gateways, a website, training material
and ways to advertise FOR FREE.
If you add patience, persistence, and determination, to these tools
you can be successful without investing any money.
As SFI BASICS explains, the way you create incomes in SFI is through
sales, sponsoring, and duplication.
Are you working on those activities that produce income
or are you focusing on earning a few VP every day?
That's NOT where the big money is.
Products to sell, gateways, a website, training material
and ways to advertise FOR FREE.
If you add patience, persistence, and determination, to these tools
you can be successful without investing any money.
As SFI BASICS explains, the way you create incomes in SFI is through
sales, sponsoring, and duplication.
Are you working on those activities that produce income
or are you focusing on earning a few VP every day?
That's NOT where the big money is.
Don't worry about getting your BTL. There is no need to rush to get a BTL. But it is a good idea to maintain your EA. Your main plan should be to build your team. That is where your earnings will come from. Best regards..
United States
I think you can be a BTL without any investment, but an investment from your sales.
Advertising is the basis. If someone buys the product you're advertising, you get a commission( 50 percent of CV some product) .
That is your PRM member who if he buy again you will get a commission (and VP)
In short, you can first make a sale and then invest these commissions.
With respect Jelena
Advertising is the basis. If someone buys the product you're advertising, you get a commission( 50 percent of CV some product) .
That is your PRM member who if he buy again you will get a commission (and VP)
In short, you can first make a sale and then invest these commissions.
With respect Jelena
REVIEW AT LEAST ONE LAUNCHPAD LESSON: https://www.sfimg.com/LaunchPad
Promote Your SFI Business: https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/MarketingCenter
Learn All The Ways To Earn: https://www.sfimg.com/compplan
Review FAQs Or Contact Us: https://www.sfimg.com/Supp

-Good news 8/28/2019

Khalid Draoui
Peter Mwangi
Sohel Rana
Farabi Ahonaf
Minhazul Islam
To stay in that position keep on logging in and gaining as much VP as you can.
Great Job!
It's called The Top 5.
The rules are very simple. At the end of each month the top 5 affiliates will receive a prize.
So if at the end of the month you are in the Top 5 then you win.
There is no need to click to enter. Just by being on the team you are already entered.
How do you gain points to be in the Top 5?
Just log into the SFI Site daily and click on all of the tabs on your home page and turn them from red to green. That's it.
What are the prizes?
Anything that will help your income with SFI grow. Some examples are PSAs for your team, Gift Certificates, T-credits, and much more.
Can I win multiple times?
You bet. You can win every month there are no limits to wins.
How will I know if I'm in the Top 5?
Every week I will be sending out an e-mail to let you know who is in the Top 5. Also I will be sending out a stream post on the stream tab.
That's it. So start clicking your tabs to turn them green.
Good luck in The Top 5 =)
Grow a second income™ with the world’s #1 affiliate program–now in our 19th year!
Read more
REVIEW AT LEAST ONE LAUNCHPAD LESSON: https://www.sfimg.com/LaunchPad
Promote Your SFI Business: https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/MarketingCenter
Learn All The Ways To Earn: https://www.sfimg.com/compplan
Review FAQs Or Contact Us: https://www.sfimg.com/Supp

-Good news 8/28/2019
Am Cooking A Special Dish For My Team
Just Informing You That A Delicious Dish Is Cooking To Be Served To You In This Colorful Platter 
1. My first time to cook this Dish but I am following the cookbooks of 3 Master Chefs
2. I have spent the last three weeks planning the cooking of the Dish
3. I will start serving this Dish to some needy folks (all strangers to me - none on SFI now) for the first time Tuesday afternoon, this week.
4. I have tried consuming the Dish in the last 5 years -- taste great - one of the best ever for me!
5. I will allow you a peek at my Dish Recipe by September 20, 2019, after I first confirm my beliefs about this Unique Dish -- that everyone in SFI reading this thread will wish to take a bite for FREE - 100%. Meaning, you get completely FREE Training to promote SFI,
6. Put in your Calendar, September 20, 2019

**** BIG Congrats to Texan Judith B, for winning Scenery Image 5 Contest

1. Here Is the Eighth Thread Of Our Team Privacy Forum – where you can win 60 PSAs or more per week
2. Get details on how you can win one or all three weekly Tean Privacy Forum Contests
3. Send me comments or suggestions on what type contest you want added to the current three Contests
Best of Luck in these 3 current Team Contests!

1. My first time to cook this Dish but I am following the cookbooks of 3 Master Chefs
2. I have spent the last three weeks planning the cooking of the Dish
3. I will start serving this Dish to some needy folks (all strangers to me - none on SFI now) for the first time Tuesday afternoon, this week.
4. I have tried consuming the Dish in the last 5 years -- taste great - one of the best ever for me!
5. I will allow you a peek at my Dish Recipe by September 20, 2019, after I first confirm my beliefs about this Unique Dish -- that everyone in SFI reading this thread will wish to take a bite for FREE - 100%. Meaning, you get completely FREE Training to promote SFI,
6. Put in your Calendar, September 20, 2019

**** BIG Congrats to Texan Judith B, for winning Scenery Image 5 Contest

1. Here Is the Eighth Thread Of Our Team Privacy Forum – where you can win 60 PSAs or more per week
2. Get details on how you can win one or all three weekly Tean Privacy Forum Contests
3. Send me comments or suggestions on what type contest you want added to the current three Contests
Best of Luck in these 3 current Team Contests!
Updated 8/28/2019
We've had some movement in the Top 5 this week. So congratulations go out to the following five PSAs:
Khalid Draoui
Peter Mwangi
Sohel Rana
Farabi Ahonaf
Minhazul Islam
To stay in that position keep on logging in and gaining as much VP as you can.
Great Job!
Introducing a New Contest For PSAs
The rules are very simple. At the end of each month the top 5 affiliates will receive a prize.
So if at the end of the month you are in the Top 5 then you win.
There is no need to click to enter. Just by being on the team you are already entered.
How do you gain points to be in the Top 5?
Just log into the SFI Site daily and click on all of the tabs on your home page and turn them from red to green. That's it.
What are the prizes?
Anything that will help your income with SFI grow. Some examples are PSAs for your team, Gift Certificates, T-credits, and much more.
Can I win multiple times?
You bet. You can win every month there are no limits to wins.
How will I know if I'm in the Top 5?
Every week I will be sending out an e-mail to let you know who is in the Top 5. Also I will be sending out a stream post on the stream tab.
That's it. So start clicking your tabs to turn them green.
Good luck in The Top 5 =)
Grow a second income™ with the world’s #1 affiliate program–now in our 19th year!
Read more
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