
Apply filters to easily pull up subsets of your Genealogy.
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and include these primary filters:
Last Name
Sponsor ID
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VersaPoints (Last Month)
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You can add these secondary filters (to further refine your results):
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Goals Set For Current Month
Rank Achieved For The First Time
Anniversary Of SFI Sign-Up
Leadership Challenge Qualifier
Confirmed Registration
Added mail@sfimg.com To Safe List
Completed Affiliate Profile
Standing Order
And check out these QuickFilters for fast access to information
that can specifically help you identify affiliates who may need assistance,
encouragement, recognition, etc.:
My Movers
New PSAs Today
New PSAs (In last 10 days)
New PSAs (In last 30 days)
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New CSAs (In last 10 days)
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Inactive > 60 Days
Inactive > 90 Days
Inactive 320-365 Days (Removal soon)



Apply filters to easily pull up subsets of your Genealogy.
Filter options may vary depending on the tab format you select
and include these primary filters:
Last Name
Sponsor ID
VersaPoints (Total)
CSA Assign Date
VersaPoints (This month)
Date Joined
VersaPoints (Yesterday)
VersaPoints (This Month)
VersaPoints (Last Month)
Power Rank
Country Rank
Class Rank
Profile Score
Last Login
Sales VersaPoints (This month)
Sales VersaPoints (Last month)
TripleClicks Referrals
E-Mail Address
You can add these secondary filters (to further refine your results):
Red Flagged
Goals Set For Current Month
Rank Achieved For The First Time
Anniversary Of SFI Sign-Up
Leadership Challenge Qualifier
Confirmed Registration
Added mail@sfimg.com To Safe List
Completed Affiliate Profile
Standing Order
And check out these QuickFilters for fast access to information
that can specifically help you identify affiliates who may need assistance,
encouragement, recognition, etc.:
My Movers
New PSAs Today
New PSAs (In last 10 days)
New PSAs (In last 30 days)
New CSAs Today
New CSAs (In last 10 days)
New CSAs (In last 30 days)
EA Last Month, Not Yet EA This Month
New EAs This Month
New Team Leaders This Month
Team Leaders
Logins Yesterday
Logins In Last 10 Days
Inactive > 30 Days
Inactive > 60 Days
Inactive > 90 Days
Inactive 320-365 Days (Removal soon)


"FREE" Gateway:
NOTE: REAL, REAL2, FIRST, and "INVITE" Gateways currently redirect to this Gateway. See announcementfor details.This Gateway features an attention-grabbing signing bonus offer, 22 reasons why your prospective affiliates will love SFI, and several of our best testimonials, along with a simple, built-in registration form, so everything is all in one nice, compact page.
NOTE: REAL, REAL2, FIRST, and "INVITE" Gateways currently redirect to this Gateway. See announcementfor details.This Gateway features an attention-grabbing signing bonus offer, 22 reasons why your prospective affiliates will love SFI, and several of our best testimonials, along with a simple, built-in registration form, so everything is all in one nice, compact page.

Rewardical Gateway
The sleek, attractive Rewardical Gateway introduces prospective customers to the fun and value of Rewardicals, while enticing new members with 25 FREE Rewardicals just for signing up. PLUS, you'll be set to earn unlimited 10-1 Rewardicals on every Rewardical these signups earn…for life!
The sleek, attractive Rewardical Gateway introduces prospective customers to the fun and value of Rewardicals, while enticing new members with 25 FREE Rewardicals just for signing up. PLUS, you'll be set to earn unlimited 10-1 Rewardicals on every Rewardical these signups earn…for life!

Astro Auctions Gateway
Introduce prospective customers to our fun and exciting Astro Auctions with an offer to try it for free! This offer is funded by a single TCredit subtracted from your TCredit balance. You can also choose to use this gateway without the powerful 'try it free' offer if you would prefer that method. You can control how many free bids (if any) you want to distrubute from this gateway each day on your My Account page.
Introduce prospective customers to our fun and exciting Astro Auctions with an offer to try it for free! This offer is funded by a single TCredit subtracted from your TCredit balance. You can also choose to use this gateway without the powerful 'try it free' offer if you would prefer that method. You can control how many free bids (if any) you want to distrubute from this gateway each day on your My Account page.

NGRQ "No Get Rich Quick" Gateway
Designed for those business owners who want to "filter out" non-serious prospects (people who believe they can do nothing and that money's just going to fall into their laps), this Gateway includes an impressive list of reasons to join SFI and lets prospective affiliates know right upfront that there are no shortcuts to success.
Designed for those business owners who want to "filter out" non-serious prospects (people who believe they can do nothing and that money's just going to fall into their laps), this Gateway includes an impressive list of reasons to join SFI and lets prospective affiliates know right upfront that there are no shortcuts to success.
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