I don't know about you, but for me this is a no-brainer... the answer is a great big YES!
I joined in December 2014. Since that time, SFI has made many modifications/changes and I do believe Optio-Build and the Active Sponsor Policy are two of the greatest.
The first, when utilized properly, offers Affiliates an opportunity to grow a solid network that can become more and more effective month after month. Through this program, growing a network that emulates The Plan published by SFI is more realistic than ever before. The program helps us manage some of the chance features inherent in Network Marketing that often produce haphazard and highly ineffective network structures. Collectively and systematically, we can now influence the growth of affiliates in each of our generational levels thus increasing our depth in each line and ensuring our longevity. The potential for optimal growth of our SFI networks (business) has never been greater.
The second, the Inactive Sponsor Policy, sends a clear message to all of us that a careless and haphazard approach to SFI will not be tolerated. The Network Marketing world is rife with tire-kickers, overnight success seekers and idle dreamers who seem to think most successful business owners get there by some secret sauce or magic potent. This is evidenced by the number of people I encounter who suffer from "Shiny Object Syndrome". Believe me I understand their feelings because I, too, have been so afflicted in the past.
There is one more point I want to make.
Some people think that investing in advertising only to "lose" newly-acquired affiliates to downline members through the Opti-Build Program is somehow counter-productive and maybe even wasting hard-earned dollars. Nothing could be further from the truth! In the long-term, investments you make that result in affiliates going to your downline members have a greater chance of returning much more value than if they remained in your first generation. Helping your downline affiliates build their teams is helping to ensure their success and your own longevity at the same time.
Is there anyone who would not agree?
Max J.

"The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun."
-Napoleon Hill
"FREE" Gateway:
NOTE: REAL, REAL2, FIRST, and "INVITE" Gateways currently redirect to this Gateway. See announcementfor details.This Gateway features an attention-grabbing signing bonus offer, 22 reasons why your prospective affiliates will love SFI, and several of our best testimonials, along with a simple, built-in registration form, so everything is all in one nice, compact page.
NOTE: REAL, REAL2, FIRST, and "INVITE" Gateways currently redirect to this Gateway. See announcementfor details.This Gateway features an attention-grabbing signing bonus offer, 22 reasons why your prospective affiliates will love SFI, and several of our best testimonials, along with a simple, built-in registration form, so everything is all in one nice, compact page.

Rewardical Gateway
The sleek, attractive Rewardical Gateway introduces prospective customers to the fun and value of Rewardicals, while enticing new members with 25 FREE Rewardicals just for signing up. PLUS, you'll be set to earn unlimited 10-1 Rewardicals on every Rewardical these signups earn…for life!
The sleek, attractive Rewardical Gateway introduces prospective customers to the fun and value of Rewardicals, while enticing new members with 25 FREE Rewardicals just for signing up. PLUS, you'll be set to earn unlimited 10-1 Rewardicals on every Rewardical these signups earn…for life!
-Napoleon Hill

Astro Auctions Gateway
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