Are you committed to excellence or mediocrity?
by Fabrizio P. Portugal

SFI is certainly a great vehicle we all can drive to achieve outstanding success. However, be careful, without intelligent planning and focused effort it’s almost impossible to go beyond mediocre income results.
This is simply because success never arrives by accident. Especially in Network Marketing where your success is always the result of repeated and coordinated actions, inspired by specific, tangible income goals, and duplicated by a large group of people over an extended period of time.
Does it sound too difficult? That’s great because in fact we all know that anything worth achieving is going to take effort and SMART (efficient, not hard) work.
I’m sure that all of us who are really committed to excellence instead of mediocrity, already have an intelligent plan for 2017 and are focused on accomplishing our goals.
Everyone else has the choice: keep on with their current attitude if they’re content with that, or decide to commit to excellence and start doing business accordingly.
If the latter is your case, the first step you should take is to inform your entire upline about your commitment. So even if you have an inactive direct sponsor you will certainly find at least one serious upline member able and willing to lead you all along the way: https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/upline
And then of course, have faith, follow the path, never give up!

"FREE" Gateway:
This Gateway features an attention-grabbing signing bonus offer, 22 reasons why your prospective affiliates will love SFI, and several of our best testimonials, along with a simple, built-in registration form, so everything is all in one nice, compact page.

Rewardical Gateway
The sleek, attractive Rewardical Gateway introduces prospective customers to the fun and value of Rewardicals, while enticing new members with 25 FREE Rewardicals just for signing up. PLUS, you'll be set to earn unlimited 10-1 Rewardicals on every Rewardical these signups earn…for life!
The sleek, attractive Rewardical Gateway introduces prospective customers to the fun and value of Rewardicals, while enticing new members with 25 FREE Rewardicals just for signing up. PLUS, you'll be set to earn unlimited 10-1 Rewardicals on every Rewardical these signups earn…for life!

NGRQ "No Get Rich Quick" Gateway
Designed for those business owners who want to "filter out" non-serious prospects (people who believe they can do nothing and that money's just going to fall into their laps), this Gateway includes an impressive list of reasons to join SFI and lets prospective affiliates know right upfront that there are no shortcuts to success.
Designed for those business owners who want to "filter out" non-serious prospects (people who believe they can do nothing and that money's just going to fall into their laps), this Gateway includes an impressive list of reasons to join SFI and lets prospective affiliates know right upfront that there are no shortcuts to success.

Texas, United States
1. DS is created to make my SFI Affiliate Teammates have a long happy bright future.
2. Do you happen to know anyone who is now happy with their SFI monthly income?
A. If 'YES' = please let me know! (We can tell them that they will be 100 to 10K times happier if they will use DS).
B. If 'NO' and you are a team member qualified to use DS = the Next Step for you is obvious. But, keep your happiness away from the Forum!
2. Do you happen to know anyone who is now happy with their SFI monthly income?
A. If 'YES' = please let me know! (We can tell them that they will be 100 to 10K times happier if they will use DS).
B. If 'NO' and you are a team member qualified to use DS = the Next Step for you is obvious. But, keep your happiness away from the Forum!
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