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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Welcome to the Forum!Get Business Ideas From Other Fields, Not Just Marketing !!!


You can certainly gain a heap of knowledge/techniques from others in different fields by exchanging ideas with them. You will ne amazed at the amount of knowledge you can gain by discovering what, and how the top salesmen are handling things to get to the top and remain there. 

Of course you may have to add a bit or subtract a bit, for your very own SFI Marketing Business Career particular situations, and surprising, the results you reap may be even better than the original idea you are able to grasp.

Meet with the top performers in other fields, you will see that they are humble, sincere people, and most will invite 
you to share each others successful selling concepts. Where else could you get the wisdom, know-how that we 
can all add to your SFI Tool-Chest. Bless you and yours. Bye for now. Remember Mother's Day - May 12. 
(Check with your City Hall to get Names/Location/Phone Numbers of Civic, etc., groups.)
Bruce Harper 
United States
Great stuff ,yes getting inspired and following other people from other fields helps a lot but off course SFI has the best marketing section and tools freely available for our business and leaders like you sharing inspiring post do help a lot . There is a saying that be a Roman in Rome , The way we speak ,dress and act according to situation always makes or breaks situation anytime .So best thing is always be prepared to learn and go for only when you are ready with that ,as it will save time and help beat dil doing later , that's the trademark of successful people , they never rush things or get overconfident with their approach . my best till now is other than SFIis my FB online community groups which always pamper me ,support me all the way . 
Girish A. India



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